My name is Mallku Soldevila, I’m a postdoctoral researcher at FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, under the direction of Dr. Beta Ziliani and Dr. Carlos Areces.
I research on dynamic and static semantics of programming languages, in particular, reduction and operational semantics. I’m also working on the development of tools to mechanize and verify formal semantics, in the style of reduction semantics, and tools to perform static analysis on programs written with real-world programming languages.
In the hope of providing content that may be of use to other people, I plan to use this blog to write about problems that I encounter during my research, and about topics that are part of gradute or undergraduate courses of computing science, that I find interesting or fundamental to our area.
In the same spirit, I’m interested in participating or opening some discussions with regard to the human aspect of doing science. I came to suspect that, at least for some people, the hardest part of developing skills and acquiring the knowledge required to perform in our area may come from our human condition, and not necessarily from some difficulty inherent to our area. The hardest part could be in our way of relating with knowledge and/or our understanding of what constitutes research; definitions that could be limiting and could be hindering our personal progress in science or other aspects of life itself.
Until the day that I learn how to organize my time to do all that stuff, I’ll be using this site just to post my papers and slides of some talks :))
Contact: unc account or gmail account